« The shortest path to go from one point to another is not a straight line, but a dream. »
Malian proverb

These three musicians fell into the cooking pot of World music a long time ago, and emerged electrified, imbued with voices and rhythms from all horizons.
Cinq Oreilles, (“Five ears” in French and yes, they are three) is a mountain in Galicia, an oasis in Ethiopia, a trip to Sicily, a dive in Japan, a ride in Mongolia …… and yet always maintaining a rock fusion .
Cultivating the art of fragile balances and explosive arrangements, the trio weaves a sound, a taut thread, from Ouralski’s factories to the Baton Rouge bayous; the unexpected around the corner.
Languages ring, instruments crack, rhythms overlap. It’s an invitation to dance. Moving your body is irresistible!

From country to country. we savour the tastes of other cultures…
We are witnessing a phenomenon of transportation, worthy of the greatest science fiction stories. Tucked away in a profusion of influences, and public ventures, borders are abolished. Cinq Oreilles mixes languages, shakes up grooves and traditions, all of this without any papers, without a visa and, in these modern times,
it feels good, it feels good…
Our Cds – on sale now!
The 3rd CD has arrived. You can receive it at home by sending us the order form with your payment. Bonus: a sticker for the fridge, and one for the car!
Past concerts
Festival les soirs bleus (Magnac 16) – festival la rue des enfants (Montcuq 46) – les mercredi sur la route (Melle 79) – Festival Ah ! Parthenay (79) – Festival Parole en Aure Vielle Aure (65) – Festival Rio Loco Toulouse (31) – Festival Les Nuits de Nacre Tulle (19) – Festival Au Village Brioux sur Boutonne (79) – Festival Sites et Sons Peyreleau (12) – Festival El Mediodia Corbarieu (82) – l’Eté de Vaour (81) – Les Jeudi du Live Auch (32) – Festival du Clown Barjac (48) – Festival Algoritme St Sulpice (81) – Festivendanges Sancerre (18) – Fête de la Châtaigne Granes (11) – Les 24H de L’Accordéon Cave Po’- Toulouse (31) – Le Chapeau Rouge Toulouse (31) – Festival Migrant’Scène Montauban (82) – Le Baloche’AJT Roquecor (82) – Le Taquin Toulouse (31) – Festival Uni Sens Rabastens (81) – Fût’Stival Blaye les mines (81) – Teuf Teuf Teulat Teulat (81) – K’Fé Quoi Forcalquier (04) – Festival Art et Hospitalité Viens (84) – Rencontres Cinéma Gindou (46) – Festi’Bière Algans (81) – Playing For Change Albi (81) – La Cour des miracles Albi (81) – Festival Comme une Envie Touget (32) – Fête de la Percussion Soulomès (46) – Festival Vabre T’es où ? Vabre Tizac (12) – L’ Alamzic Bagnères de Bigorre (65) Cabaret L’Escale Migennes (89) – Fête des Faucheurs Assier (46) – L’Ephémère Guinguette Lacroix Falgarde (31) – Jeudis au Jardin Lavaur (81) – Le Dimanche à Contretemps Senouillac (81) – « C’est ma Tournée » Tulle (19) – La Grainerie Toulouse (31) – Les Passagères Beauregard (46) – Café Plum Lautrec (81) – Les Anges Guern (56) – Festival Passion d’Avril Crouy sur Ourcq (77) – festival Chapître Nature Le Blanc (36) – Festival Rues d’Eté Graulhet (81) – Les Musicales de l’Agly Planèze (66) – Festival Résistances Foix (09) – Festival Bouge Ton Cru Chablis (89) – Les Estivales d’Ancizan Ancizan (65) – Festival Graines d’Automne Saffré (44) – Festival « Des théatres près de chez vous » Toulouse (31) – Cabaret d’Automne Auxon (10) – Fête de Printemps Repaix (54) – Festival Cirque Effiloché St Laurent les tours (46) – Festival Le pied dans la Bassine Labastide Gabausse (81) – Lez’Art festival Laguépie (82) – L’Agit au Vert Toulouse (31) – Fête du Houblon St Germain de Calberte (48) – 10 ans du Café de la pente Rochefort en terre (56) – Taingy dans la rue (89) – Le Battement d’ailes Cornil (19) – La Saint Guerluchon St Plantaire (36) – Le Moulin de Hausse Côte Saint en Puisaye (89) – Festival de Perthuis Clamecy (58) – Festival Garçon la note Auxerre (89) – Les Musicales de Montmiral Castelnau de Montmiral(81) – Festival Lot of Sound Salgues (46) – Festival Lozère Tour Hebdo (48) – Fête du COT Gaillac (81) – Festival Ciné Latino Cahors (46) – Festival Eco’lot Toi même Limogne en Quercy (46) – Festival Cabanes et enfants du monde St Céré (46) – les jeudis du Carla (09) – Festival Barikôtréto Montignargues (30) – Roak Festival Le Pouldu (29) – Festival DARC Chateauroux (36) – Festival Tango swing et bretelles Montceau les mine (71) – Les Jongleurs d’accordéon Gaillac d’Aveyron (12) – Festival Hiver PartyOloron-Sainte-Marie (64) Ciné Latino Toulouse (31) – La lune Rouge Verfeil sur seye (82) Rue des Arts Le Carla Bayle (09) – La Javanaise Gaillac (81) – La Fontaine île d’Arz (56) – Les Mardis de Morgat (56) – Café de la pente Rochefort en Terre (56) – Festival Trespotz Baleti Trespoux Rassiel (46) – Le relais montagnard (Bonac 09) – Carrément musique (Albi 81) – Festival Tout n’est pas Perdoux (46) – Festival Existe (Rodez 12) – La Tannerie (Bourg en Bresse 01) – La Péniche (St Jean de Trézy 71) – Festival Zaccros d’ma rue (Nevers 58) – Festival L’art de rien (Blaye les Mines 81) – Festival Village Session (Magnac Lavalette 16) – Festival Rocastel (Le Caylar 34) – Salon De vert en verre (Andillac 81) – Les nuits gourmandes (Périgueux 24) – Festival Les Nuits des burons (Brommat 12) – Fête paysanne de la Conf’ (Lauzerte 82) – Salon des vins nature On va déguster ! (Latour de France 66) – le Rio (Montauban 82) – Le KIWI (Ramonville 31)

Florian Triby : Drums , Vocals
From a very early age lulled by the dulcet tones of his mother’s sweet voice and the buzzing timbre of his hurdy-gurdy playing father, he was quickly inspired to play the drums.
Emmanuel Bourgeois : Guitar, vocals
The Y2K’s bug inevitably steered him towards music and collective adventure.With ten years of keyboard, guitar and vocals behind him, Manu landed in the Tarn, south of France. Establishing a common language with native musicians, he is the Guitariste Tout Terrain (GTT) in Cinq Oreilles.
Catherine Gentilini : Accordion, vocals
After too long years of working in a white collar career, Cathon rediscovered and ignited her passion for singing, music and stage. From rock to chanson française, from guitar to accordion, always in pursuit of new horizons leads her to search songs from all over the world, always on the lookout for singularity…
All three musicians are curious, sonically snooping and digging around , each pushing their own specialty , together crafting a unique sound . Ready to change the mood radically between two stopovers, they never lose their identity and yet do not parody anything..
In their journey around the world, they never forget that they are Cinq Oreilles.
Booking : Manu 06 80 44 74 69 / Cathon 05 63 65 41 32
Technic : Sonphonor – Sylvain et Martin – sonphonor@gmail.com
Press relations : Alexandra Olmos – 06 88 03 78 08 – presse@olmos.fr